【PRE-ORDER】Lullami Baby Cream
Lullami Baby Cream是专门为小孩们而研制的舒缓膏,采用优质的天然植物成分,快速被皮肤吸收,完全不感觉油腻,不辣不热的感觉更温和舒适,让小孩可以在不刺激的情况下改善不适的情况。
Lullami Baby Cream
初榨椰子油 Cocos nucifera Coconut oil
大蒜鳞茎油 Allium Sativum Garlic
芦荟 Aloe Vera
黑种草 habbatus Sauda (nigella sativa)
Lullami Baby Cream suitable for 适用于
轻微发烧症状➡️Relieve Fever
肚子涨风不适➡️Inflammation of the stomach
关节酸痛不适➡️joints pain
宝宝感冒➡️Baby Flu
小孩宝宝皮肤干燥➡️child or baby’s dry skin patches
皮肤痕痒➡️itchy skin
咳嗽卡痰➡️Cough with phlegm
蚊虫叮咬➡️mosquito bites
Directions of Use :
Lullami Baby Cream is a soothing cream especially for children. It uses high-quality natural ingredients and is quickly absorbed by the skin. It does not feel greasy at all. The feeling of not being hot or cool, so that children can improve the discomfort without irritation.
Why Choose Lullami Baby Cream?
📍Natural Ingredients
📍Multiple Effects
📍Premium Quality
📍suitable for baby and adult
📍soft and gentle
📍Ministry of Health approval
Lullami Baby Cream suitable for
📌Relieve Fever
📌Inflammation of the stomach
📌Joints pain
📌Baby Flu
📌Child or baby’s dry skin patches
📌Itchy skin
📌Cough with phlegm
📌Mosquito bites
Lullami Baby Cream Special Ingredients
Allium Sativum (Garlic) Bulb Oil
VCO (Cocos nucifera Coconut oil
Habbatus Sauda (nigella Sativa)
Aloe Vera